The Dream Catcher Podcast is for seekers and achievers looking for inspiration, advice and tools to maximize their success and happiness and live a richer, more fulfilling life. Join award-winning writer and community founder Seline Shenoy as she explores mindsets, strategies, and habits for achieving your full potential in your personal and professional life. Also, be inspired by Seline’s intimate and candid conversations with over 165 thought leaders, including bestselling authors, influencers, spiritual leaders, and scholars. We look forward to welcoming you to our community of listeners!
![[Interview] Understanding our Chakras and How it Impacts our Wellbeing (feat. Shai Tubali)](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog2385498/Shai_podcast_image9p8j8_300x300.jpg)
Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
The chakras are part of a belief system that refer to energy centers in our body. If you’re feeling off but can’t tell why, chances are that one or more of your chakras are blocked and you need to balance them.
Let’s take a closer look at chakras and how they work with my guest, Shai Tubali.
Shai Tubali is an internationally renowned author, speaker and innovator in the field of personal development. Shai’s approach weaves together a tapestry of thought and tradition from psychology, philosophy, medicine, Yogic traditions, Eastern thought and practices and the most advanced scientific research.
Shai is going to offer insight into how chakras work, what we can do to make sure that they function at their best and what to do if they get blocked. He also talks about the seven different chakra personality types and how it impacts us.
If you liked what you heard, please don’t forget to like, rate, share and subscribe to this podcast. Thanks!

Friday Aug 20, 2021
5 Distractions That are Stopping You from Being Successful
Friday Aug 20, 2021
Friday Aug 20, 2021
With the rise of digital technology, we’re surrounded by endless sources of distraction.
Even with the best intentions at focus, we find ourselves scrolling through social media or grabbing our phones the moment we hear a notification. Giving in to distractions once in a while is normal, but if it becomes a habit, we lose the focus and drive to meet our goals.
While distractions may seem impossible to avoid, we have what it takes to become less susceptible to them. Find out what the most common distractions are and how to manage them.

Friday Aug 13, 2021
The One that Got Away: Finding Love after Loss
Friday Aug 13, 2021
Friday Aug 13, 2021
The one that got away is that special love with whom you had to part with because circumstances and timing were not favorable for the relationship to blossom.
As time goes by, you wonder what you and that person could have had. While most of us find it easy to move on, a few of us can’t let go and get stuck, thus blocking our happiness.
Sooner or later, reality dawns that the dream of you and them died long ago. You may wonder if you’ll ever find someone who can measure up. These five steps and techniques will change how you feel about your lost love and find inner peace.
![[Interview] How to Live with Integrity and Find Your Path (feat. Martha Beck)](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog2385498/Dr_Martha_Best_Podcast_Artwork_wecompresscom_bvjg7_300x300.png)
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
[Interview] How to Live with Integrity and Find Your Path (feat. Martha Beck)
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
We’re all born whole, complete and undivided. In other words, we’re born in integrity. that’s our just nature.
But nature often clashes with culture. We may abandon parts of ourselves to please others, and in this way, we leave integrity and get off our path.
My guest today, Dr. Martha Beck, will help us find our way back to full integrity based on the principles from her newest NYT Best Selling book. “The Way of Integrity: Finding the Path to Your True Self.”
Martha is a New York Times bestselling author, life coach, and speaker. She holds three Harvard degrees in social science, and Oprah Winfrey has called her “one of the smartest women I know.” Martha is a passionate and engaging teacher, known for her unique combination of science, humor, and spirituality.
In this interview, Martha is going to grace us with her wisdom, humor and experience to show us how we can stay true to ourselves and remain committed to living a life of purpose and meaning.
If you liked what you heard, please don’t forget to like, rate, share and subscribe to this podcast. Thank you!

Friday Aug 06, 2021
Feeling Bored and Uninspired? Make it Exciting with a New Vision.
Friday Aug 06, 2021
Friday Aug 06, 2021
We all feel bored and uninspired at some point. Sometimes changing up our routines renews our enthusiasm. If that doesn’t work, we need to probe deeper to find out why we aren’t inspired.
The cure for boredom isn’t to numb it but to actively engage with our feelings and understand what it’s trying to tell us about moving forward in our lives.
The next time you feel bored, tap into your imagination to visualize a life that excites you. A compelling vision reminds us of the point of repeating certain tasks every day, whether that be a 5-mile-run or a long commute to work. These five ideas will give you a jump-start.

Friday Jul 30, 2021
6 Ways You’re Blocking Your Manifestation Abilities
Friday Jul 30, 2021
Friday Jul 30, 2021
Manifestation, based on the Law of Attraction, states that people and their thoughts are made of energy and that by focusing on what we want, we can manifest it into reality. In other words, if you think it, it will come.
But sometimes, no matter how hard we try, nothing seems to work out. When this happens, you can be sure that there’s some sort of internal resistance.
The truth is that the law of manifestation becomes more potent when we focus on our transformation versus finding the magic pill.
Find out if these five common issues are blocking your manifestation abilities.
![[Interview] The Keys to Aligning Your Lifestyle and Career with Your Values and Goals (feat. Cary Jack)](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog2385498/cary_podcast_image9jdjq_300x300.jpg)
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
At some point, we’ve felt as if our life was lacking in some way. Maybe we’re stressed out at work, or we don't have a community of people who support us, or we’re not as fit and healthy as we’d like to be.
My guest, Cary Jack, is going to provide guidance on how we can get back to balance and create a lifestyle and career that we’re passionate about.
Cary is a lifestyle entrepreneur and is the founder of The Happy Hustle. Through courses, events, content, and his proprietary framework Cary instills more balance and fulfillment in your life while putting the Happy back in your Hustle!
During our chat, Cary is going to share his advice for those looking to find fulfillment in their career and possibly monetize the passion projects.
He’ll also discuss how we can align all key areas of our lives such as health, career, relationships, and several others so that we can live a life of prosperity and fulfillment.
If you liked what you heard, please don’t forget to like, rate, share and subscribe to this podcast. Thank you!

Friday Jul 23, 2021
What We Can Learn from the Wisest Leaders in History
Friday Jul 23, 2021
Friday Jul 23, 2021
Throughout history, we’ve seen leaders who were brilliant strategists and skilled at warfare. But knowledge doesn’t always result in wise leadership.
The wisest leaders are those who combine knowledge with empathy and sound judgment. They nurture a sense of community and belonging, as well as inspire others to seek purpose and meaning.
These timeless pieces of wisdom from some of the wisest leaders in history will inspire you to be an effective leader in your own life.

Friday Jul 16, 2021
The Creative Archetypes: What They Are and How to Use Them
Friday Jul 16, 2021
Friday Jul 16, 2021
Creativity is more than just the arts. It’s something that we use every day to express ourselves. We share our imaginations, tell stories, solve mathematical problems, and develop ideas.
Creativity comes in all shapes, types, and sizes. For this reason, there are many creative archetypes; ways to classify creative personalities based on art form and abilities.
While we all possess creative talent, we will be stronger in some areas than others. Knowing your archetype will maximize your potential and take your projects to the next level.
![[Interview] How to Break Free from Fear and Awaken to Our Potential (feat. Dr. Shefali)](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog2385498/Dr_Shefali_podcast_image_wecompresscom_7edp4_300x300.png)
Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
Society conditions women to behave in ways that are acceptable, that may not always be in their best interest. To break free from these societal expectations, women must awaken and rise above the limitations placed on them and reveal their true nature.
My guest today, Dr. Shefali has been helping women do this for many years in her prolific career. Featured prominently on Oprah Winfrey's platforms, Good Morning America, the Today Show, among many others, Dr. Shefali is a NYT bestselling author and renowned clinical psychologist. Dr. Shefali received her doctorate in clinical psychology from Columbia University.
Join me for my conversation with Dr. Shefali where we talk about the ways in which we can break free from fear, embrace our strengths and awaken our conscious self as women.
If you liked what you heard, please don’t forget to like, rate, share and subscribe to this podcast. Thanks!