The Dream Catcher Podcast is for seekers and achievers looking for inspiration, advice and tools to maximize their success and happiness and live a richer, more fulfilling life. Join award-winning writer and community founder Seline Shenoy as she explores mindsets, strategies, and habits for achieving your full potential in your personal and professional life. Also, be inspired by Seline’s intimate and candid conversations with over 165 thought leaders, including bestselling authors, influencers, spiritual leaders, and scholars. We look forward to welcoming you to our community of listeners!

Friday Apr 15, 2022
How to Harness a Flow State of Mind for Effortless Creativity
Friday Apr 15, 2022
Friday Apr 15, 2022
Flow is a state of mind where we’re highly focused on one activity beyond the point of distraction. When we harness a flow state of mind, we’re productive and effortlessly creative.
We use only a fraction of our potential, and flow opens the doorway for us to access our limitless capacity.
However, many people find it challenging to harness a flow state of mind because of the distractions. Find out how to manage them and maintain your focus while creating the right flow conditions.

Friday Apr 08, 2022
5 Types of Friends You Need (And Don’t Need) in Your Life
Friday Apr 08, 2022
Friday Apr 08, 2022
Friendships are essential for our wellbeing and bring out the best in us. Like any other relationship, when we find the right connections and invest in them, our lives will be enriched.
Many of us have experienced the benefits of joyful connections, but we still struggle to find the right types of friends.
Becoming aware of the blocks will clear the pathway to finding kindred spirits. Learn about the types of friends you need and don’t need in your life.
![[Interview] The Art of Focus: Bringing Time, Energy, and Money into Flow (feat. Pedram Shojai)](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog2385498/Pedram_Shojai_Artwork8i1wm_300x300.jpg)
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
In our unpredictable and ever-changing world, we’re constantly in a state of figuring out how to sow our seeds for a happy life.
The information age has turned our attention into a currency that’s being mined, and time seems to be an increasingly scarce resource.
But what if it wasn't? What if we had the ability to take control of how we trade our energy for time and increase our vitality to live our fullest life?
That’s what my guest, Pedram Shojai, and I discuss in this episode.
Pedram is a former Taoist monk, doctor of Chinese medicine, and qi gong master. He is a New York Times best-selling author of several books including The Urban Monk and the producer of multiple films and series. He’s lectured on wellness around the world and is known for his no-nonsense approach towards teaching esoteric concepts to readers in an easy-to-understand way.
Pedram shares his thoughts on how we can make healthier choices in our life and design a lifestyle that fulfills our needs. We also talk about the major energy drainers in the modern world and what we can do to regain vitality.
If you liked what you heard, don’t forget to like, rate, share and subscribe to this podcast. Thanks!

Friday Apr 01, 2022
What Makes a Hero and How to Unleash Your Inner Hero
Friday Apr 01, 2022
Friday Apr 01, 2022
Heroes play a significant role in our society. Not only do they save us when we’re in trouble, but they represent justice, balance fairness, and give us hope.
Modern heroism is defined as “a behavior or action on behalf of another person or for a moral cause.” We all possess an inner hero capable of doing tremendous good for others.
Unleash your heroic qualities by learning what makes a hero and embodying six characteristics that define heroic behavior.

Friday Mar 25, 2022
Revolutions That Changed the World and How Conflict Shapes Us
Friday Mar 25, 2022
Friday Mar 25, 2022
Revolutions are instruments of change. They are often used when an existing leadership refuses to embrace progress.
These transformations are fundamental to the growth and evolution of civilization.
Learning about revolutions that changed the world can help us appreciate the sacrifices made by our ancestors and encourage us to embark on our own revolutions.
These seven revolutions from modern history shaped the world as we know it.
![[Interview] Healing with Native American Medicine & Traditions (feat. Asha Frost)](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog2385498/Asha_Frost_Podcast_Artwork8tfn7_300x300.jpg)
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
Native Americans have lived in North America for over 13,000 years. Today there are over 500 tribes that celebrate their heritage.
Their culture is rich in tradition and spiritual beliefs. For instance, traditional healing treatments such as herbal remedies, allopathic medications, smudging and several others are an integral part of promoting health within the Native American communities.
To tell us more about it, I invited Asha Frost.
Asha Frost, is an Anishinaabe (Ojibway) medicine woman, healer and spiritual mentor. She facilitates healing in her practice, through the use of shamanic healing, homeopathy and indigenous-based ceremony.
As a soul Seer and visionary, Asha believes that we can all reclaim our roots and deepest medicines.
In this interview, Asha talks about Native American healing methods and how they can help us cure various issues. She also offers insight into other aspects of Native American cultures such as animal spirit guides and ancestor worship.
If you liked what you heard, don’t forget to like, rate, share and subscribe to this podcast. Thank you!

Friday Mar 18, 2022
How to Create a Routine that Aligns with Your Values
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Values guide our lives, and we make choices based on them. When people don't know their values, they take on other people's values.
Studies show that integrity and embodying our values lead to lasting fulfillment and satisfaction.
Regardless of your life circumstances, you can create a routine that aligns with your values. In this episode, you’ll learn four steps that will help you get started.

Friday Mar 11, 2022
Why Having High Standards Does Not Make You Picky
Friday Mar 11, 2022
Friday Mar 11, 2022
Being called picky is a hard pill to swallow. When others accuse us, we doubt ourselves and lower the bar.
But if we don’t have high standards, we attract what we don’t want. We allow low-vibrational people who don’t add value to our lives.
Learn how to set high standards the right way and replace doubt and fear with the knowledge that your standards aren’t high– they’re just right.
Having high standards will allow the one who is right for you to enter your life.
![[Interview] Finding our Purpose and Dharma during Difficult Times (feat. Stephen Cope)](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog2385498/Stephen_Cope_Podcast_Artworkbbwaf_300x300.jpg)
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
At some point in our life, we all go through difficult times when we experience pain, disappointments and loss. These experiences can have a profound impact on us, for better or worse.
According to my guest, Stephen Cope, crises does not have to derail us. It can be the very thing that can help us find our purpose and step forward as our best selves.
This is the central theme of his new book “Dharma in Difficult Times.”
Stephen Cope is a psychotherapist, Kripalu Yoga teacher, scholar and best-selling author of several books on yoga and meditation. He is the founder of the Kripalu Institute for Extraordinary Living in Stockbridge, Massachusetts—the largest center for the study and practice of yoga in the Western world. Yoga Journal named him one of the most influential thinkers, writers, and teachers on the current American yoga scene.
Stephen offers his insight into how we can identify purpose as we find our way through our darkest times. He explains what it means to find our Dharma using examples from his own life and the lives and teachings of some famous figures from history.
If you liked what you heard, don’t forget to like, rate, share and subscribe to this podcast. Thank you!

Friday Mar 04, 2022
How to Increase Emotional Intelligence and Why it’s So Important
Friday Mar 04, 2022
Friday Mar 04, 2022
Emotional intelligence (EQ) is defined as “the ability to perceive, control and evaluate emotions.” It’s knowing how to deal with our feelings, good or bad, at any given moment and interpreting events in ways that strengthen and bolster us.
EQ is not just some nice-to-have trait — it’s essential for our general wellbeing. Although different types of people handle emotions differently, anyone can learn how to increase emotional intelligence with the right knowledge and tools.
Find out how to increase your emotional intelligence to experience more joy, peace, and satisfaction with these ideas.