The Dream Catcher Podcast is for seekers and achievers looking for inspiration, advice and tools to maximize their success and happiness and live a richer, more fulfilling life. Join award-winning writer and community founder Seline Shenoy as she explores mindsets, strategies, and habits for achieving your full potential in your personal and professional life. Also, be inspired by Seline’s intimate and candid conversations with over 165 thought leaders, including bestselling authors, influencers, spiritual leaders, and scholars. We look forward to welcoming you to our community of listeners!

Friday Nov 26, 2021
Success Leaves Clues: How to Model History‘s Masters
Friday Nov 26, 2021
Friday Nov 26, 2021
Most people believe that we must start from scratch when it comes to finding new and original ideas.
The truth is that everything we create is a combination of things we’ve read, seen, or experienced. We don’t need to reinvent the wheel, but we do need to find experts in our fields from whom we can learn.
With their help and influence, we can get there a lot faster. Learn the steps to model the right people and get inspired by the role models who influenced some of history’s masters.

Friday Nov 19, 2021
How to Develop Grit and Why it’s Essential for Success
Friday Nov 19, 2021
Friday Nov 19, 2021
Grit is the ability and mental toughness to stick with a task even if circumstances aren’t favorable.
The road to accomplishment is filled with uncertainty and setbacks, and those who make it are the ones who develop grit. Studies show that grit is the essential ingredient for success.
We all have the capacity for grit, and by adopting the right mindset and practices, we can develop it and maximize our efforts towards achieving our wildest dreams.
Learn about the different types of grit and the actions you can take to develop them.
**This is a sponsored post: Be sure to listen till the end to avail a special offer from our sponsor.**
![[Interview] Reaching for the Stars: Using Space Exploration as a Source of Inspiration (feat. Abigail Harrison)](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog2385498/Abby_podcast_artwork9nyk3_300x300.jpg)
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Many of us remember looking up at the stars as a kid, and wondering “What IS out there?”
As we grow older, we try to seek answers by flipping through science magazines or by following NASA’s newsfeed.
According to my guest, Abigail Harrison, not only is this a healthy type of curiosity but an excellent source of inspiration and wonder.
Abigail Harrison, fondly known as “Astronaut Abby,” is an aspiring astronaut, author and co-founder of the international nonprofit organization The Mars Generation. She has interned at a NASA-funded astrobiology lab; and has been featured in TIME, Forbes, Marie Claire, the BBC, and more. She currently works as a research scientist at Harvard Medical School.
Abby believes that no one is ever too young or too old to pursue their dreams. In this interview, she inspires us with her philosophy and helped her rise to the top of her field. She also discusses the importance of space exploration and why it’s important and relevant in today’s world.
If you liked what you heard, please don’t forget to like, rate, share and subscribe to this podcast. Thank you!

Friday Nov 12, 2021
Situationships: What they are and Why they‘re Unhealthy
Friday Nov 12, 2021
Friday Nov 12, 2021
A situationship is a romantic liaison that’s undefined. It’s a relationship label that’s become common in modern culture, where people are placing more importance on freedom and personal growth.
While situationships can work in the short term and under specific conditions, they can harm us in the long run.
Find out how to evaluate whether it’s the right type of connection for you and the impact it can have on your life if you decide to move forward.

Friday Nov 05, 2021
The 6 Types of Intuition and How to Tap into Them
Friday Nov 05, 2021
Friday Nov 05, 2021
Everyone is intuitive and can sense things that go beyond the rational mind. You may have experienced it as an overwhelming feeling of something not being right or a premonition that you’ve stumbled upon a great opportunity.
Despite having this natural ability, many people find it hard to access this intelligence because they’re either too busy or don’t know how to tune in.
The good news is that tapping into your intuition is a learnable skill.
We have six types of intuition that correspond to our five senses. Learning which type you prefer and developing them will help your intuitive abilities to blossom.
![[Interview] Overcome biases and create friendships across races and class (feat. Wendy Sanford)](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog2385498/Wendy_Sanford_Podcast_Artwork18p2d8_300x300.jpg)
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
Having empathy has become increasingly important as we try to build a bridge across cultures, races and classes to create a more connected and peaceful society.
My guest today, Wendy Sanford, had to reckon with her own identity and privilege to get to this level of understanding and teach it to others.
In her new memoir, Wendy tells a story of her 60-year friendship with Mary Norman, a Black woman whom she met when they were both teenagers. The daughter of an upper-middle-class suburban family in Princeton, New Jersey, she comes of age within the cultural revolutions of the 1960s, 70s, and 80s. Informed and fueled by the writings of women of color, she begins to deal with the impact of her training.
In our conversation, we discuss themes that Wendy’s book centers on and how it can help us become more aware of our biases and develop friendships with all types of people.
If you liked what you heard, please don’t forget to like, rate, share and subscribe to this podcast. Thank you!

Friday Oct 29, 2021
Why it’s Okay If Some People Don’t See Your Value (and How to Deal with It)
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Not everyone we meet in our lives will see and appreciate what we bring to the table. This lack of recognition hurts most in connections that matter most to us, like a boss or a significant other.
It’s only natural for us to yearn for acceptance and belonging, but we can’t always control how others measure our worth. Everyone is different; they see things differently and have varying values.
Given this reality, we need to learn how to embody the confidence of having an unshakable sense of value. Learn how to accomplish this and use it to enhance your presence and contributions to the world.
**This is a sponsored post: Be sure to listen till the end to avail a special offer from our sponsor.**

Friday Oct 22, 2021
10 Influential Philosophers in History: How to Use Their Teachings
Friday Oct 22, 2021
Friday Oct 22, 2021
More than just a body of knowledge, philosophy is a compass we use to navigate our lives and sensitize our minds to the deeper truths beyond the surface of everyday life.
At its essence, philosophy offers a prescription on how to live better. It gives us the perspective to seek meaningful and worthy pursuits that we bring to fruition with science and technology.
Fortunately, we don’t need to reinvent the philosophy wheel - there’s a treasure trove of ancient teachings from influential philosophers that we can refer to and apply to our daily lives. Let these ten influential philosophers enrich your personal reality and elevate your thinking.
![[Interview] Finding Bliss Through The Four Noble Truths of Buddhism (feat. Robert Thurman)](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog2385498/Podcast_Artwork_Robert_Thurman9m5ed_300x300.jpg)
Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
While Buddhism is seen as a major global religion, Buddhist ideas, philosophies and practices have long been a source of inspiration for people of other faiths. That’s because it’s more of a spiritual tradition that educates us on how to live well and find inner peace.
Get to learn more about it with one of the leading experts on Buddhism and this episode's featured guest: Robert Thurman.
Robert Thurman is a Professor of Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Studies at Columbia University as well as Co-Founder and President of Tibet House US/Menla in service of HH Dalai Lama. He was named by The New York Times the leading American expert on Tibetan Buddhism and was awarded the prestigious Padma Shri Award in 2020, for his help in recovering India’s ancient Buddhist heritage. Time Magazine chose him as one of the 25 most influential Americans in 1997.
In this interview, we discuss some of the main concepts covered in Robert Thurman’s new book “Wisdom Is Bliss: Four Friendly Fun Facts That Can Change Your Life.” He offers his insight into Buddhist principles such as Nirvana, Karma and the practice of mindfulness and how we can apply them in our everyday life.
If you liked what you heard, please don’t forget to like, rate, share and subscribe to this podcast. Thank you!

Friday Oct 15, 2021
The Difference Between Hedonic and Eudaimonic Happiness (and why it matters)
Friday Oct 15, 2021
Friday Oct 15, 2021
No matter how you define it, happiness is a pleasant feeling that brings out the best in us. What’s not so straightforward is how to get there.
Most of us turn to hedonic happiness – the type that’s derived from pleasure and enjoyment. In our consumer-driven society, it’s championed as the ultimate form of achievement.
While hedonism might make you feel good temporarily, it won’t change a reality that you’re not happy with. To create the type of happiness that’s enduring, you need to balance hedonic with eudaimonic happiness - the type of joy that comes from engaging in meaningful activities.
Learn more about these two sides of the happiness coin and how you can engage in both.