The Dream Catcher Podcast is for seekers and achievers looking for inspiration, advice and tools to maximize their success and happiness and live a richer, more fulfilling life. Join award-winning writer and community founder Seline Shenoy as she explores mindsets, strategies, and habits for achieving your full potential in your personal and professional life. Also, be inspired by Seline’s intimate and candid conversations with over 165 thought leaders, including bestselling authors, influencers, spiritual leaders, and scholars. We look forward to welcoming you to our community of listeners!

Friday Jul 28, 2023
Cultural Appropriation vs Appreciation: Why Knowing the Difference Matters
Friday Jul 28, 2023
Friday Jul 28, 2023
Cultural appropriation or misappropriation happens when a person from one culture adopts something from a cultural group that is not theirs.
This contrasts with cultural appreciation, when they respect the symbolism and artifacts of the original culture.
You can avoid mixing up the two by learning the difference between cultural appropriation vs appreciation and what it looks like to appreciate other cultures respectfully.
In this episode you’ll find out how.
![[Interview] Becoming Flawesome: The Truth About Overcoming Perfectionism and Self-doubt (feat. Kristina Mänd-Lakhiani)](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog2385498/Podcast_Artwork_1_Kristina_Mand-Lakhiani9akma_300x300.png)
Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
As life happens, we may lose ourselves and miss out on becoming the best version of who we are. We forget what and who is truly important because of social pressures to fit an ideal.
My guest, Kristina Mänd-Lakhiani, says the key to reclaiming your worth is not fixing yourself but healing your relationship with your imperfections. Today she’s sharing more on how we can embrace our flawesome selves.
Kristina is a Co-founder of Mindvalley, an online learning platform that focuses on personal growth and improving different aspects of your life, and has been in the personal transformation industry for over 20 years. She is an international speaker, entrepreneur, artist, philanthropist, and everyday life philosopher. Kristina is also the author of three transformational quests: "7 Days To Happiness", "Live By Your Own Rules.” and "The Art of Being Flawesome".
In this interview, Kristina shares her story and reflection points to help you transform from the Perfect You into the Real You. She shares ways to navigate external and internal critics so that you can embody a life where no one needs fixing.

Friday Jul 21, 2023
How To Increase High-Level Thinking and Boost Innovation
Friday Jul 21, 2023
Friday Jul 21, 2023
High-level thinking is not something we're born with; instead, it's an ability we cultivate.
Elevating our thoughts can generate epiphanies, creations, and perspectives that positively influence the world. We must be intrinsically motivated and go beyond superficial thinking to engage all these faculties.
These ten steps to increase high-level thinking will help you upgrade your thoughts.
![[Interview] How Astrology Can Guide Us and Help Us Find Meaning (feat. Nadiya Shah)](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog2385498/nadiyashah_1_6ny7u_300x300.png)
Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
Original airdate: August 14, 2018
I’ve always had a keen interest in astrology. I can remember reading books on astrology as young as 11 years of age because I was fascinated with the night sky. I wondered what mysteries the skies can unveil regarding our lives and the planet.
After following her YouTube channel for a few years, I contacted renowned astrologer Nadiya Shah to get more insights into this ancient pseudoscience.
Named one of the top 12 astrologers on the planet by French Vanity Fair, who crowned Nadiya a pioneer in video astrology. She is an Internationally Syndicated Astrologer, Author, Television and Internet Personality, and is one of the few people in the world to hold an M.A. in the Cultural Study of Cosmology and Divination, from the University of Kent, United Kingdom. Nadiya’s Youtube channel is consistently one of the top 5 most watched astrology channels on Youtube.
Join me for this conversation, where you’ll learn how to use astrology to gain insights into deeper themes in your life and your character. You’ll also know how your other planetary placements (besides your sun sign) could affect you and how to use that information to create a life of meaning, love and purpose.

Friday Jul 14, 2023
5 Signs You’re Outgrowing a Friendship (and why it’s okay)
Friday Jul 14, 2023
Friday Jul 14, 2023
The bond that we share with friends is a special one. But unfortunately, not all of them last forever. Some friends evolve with you, while others go in a different direction.
And that’s not in our control. If you feel that certain friendships may have run their course and you’re unsure if it’s possible to reconnect and repair, there are five telltale signs that you’re outgrowing a friendship.
As sad as growing apart from friends are, trust that your inquiry will lead you to better and more fulfilling connections.
![[Interview] How to Recognize the Spiritual Signposts in Your Life and Age with Grace (feat. Cheryl Richardson)](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog2385498/Podcast_Artwork_1_Cheryl_Richardson76ret_300x300.png)
Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
Have you ever experienced something so inexplicable that you knew it had to be more than just a coincidence?
Experiences like this make us believe that a benevolent force of energy is available to guide and direct our lives. My guest, Cheryl Richardson, calls this energy grace.
She believes that every event we experience, and every person we meet has been put in our path for a reason. She’s here to speak more about the transformational power of grace.
Cheryl Richardson is the NYT bestselling author of several books, including, Take Time for Your Life, Life Makeovers and The Unmistakable Touch of Grace. She was the first president of the International Coach Federation. Her work has been covered widely in the media, including Good Morning America, The Today Show, New York Times and O Magazine. She was the team leader for the Lifestyle Makeover Series on the Oprah Winfrey Show and accompanied Ms. Winfrey on the “Live Your Best Life” nationwide tour.
During our conversation, Cheryl and I discuss the significance of coincidences and how to recognize and interpret them through the lens of grace. She also talks about tapping into grace so that we can feel vibrant and balanced as we age.
**Important note: Some parts of the audio are choppy due to a poor internet connection. Apologies for the inconvenience.**

Friday Jul 07, 2023
Hero Worship: The Problem with Putting People on Pedestals
Friday Jul 07, 2023
Friday Jul 07, 2023
Hero worship is "a feeling of extreme admiration for someone, imagining that they have qualities or abilities that are better than anyone else's."
We tend to elevate people to this level because they are brilliant, beautiful, glamorous, or have a quality or talent that we value deeply. Hero worship can negatively impact all aspects of our lives if we practice it to the extreme.
Learn the signs to look out for and adopt a healthier way of being where you can nurture your inner hero.
![[Interview] Dream Bigger & Achieve More with the Success Strategies of Top Celebrities (feat. Dr. Rob Carpenter)](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog2385498/Dr_Rob_Artworka8r7k_300x300.png)
Tuesday Jul 04, 2023
Tuesday Jul 04, 2023
Ever wonder what it takes to live a legendary life?
In this recorded live session on Instagram, you'll find out the key ingredients from Dr. Rob Carpenter.
Dr. Rob is an author, UCLA faculty member, and creative leader. His works have appeared in People Magazine, The New York Times, and Business Insider, among others. He previously worked at the 2x Emmy Award Winning USC Media Institute for Social Change.
Dr. Rob believes that everyone can live a legendary life. But only those bold and brave enough actually do, and we all have what it takes to be one of them.
Based on the principles from his new book, "Icons & Legends: Success Strategies of the World's Most Influential Celebrities," he' shares the secrets iconic celebrities have used to live their dream life.
More importantly, he explains how to apply their secrets to your life starting right now.

Friday Jun 30, 2023
The Power of Intention: Why Having Good Intentions Matter
Friday Jun 30, 2023
Friday Jun 30, 2023
When someone says, "I intend to…" we assume that they mean they have a plan or aim that they have decided to move ahead with. There is a sense of deliberateness and settled determination in what they want to do.
Yet not everyone sets good intentions aligned with what they truly desire. For our intentions to work, we need both our minds and hearts to be involved.
Find out how to make your good intentions powerful tools in helping you stay focused on manifesting the future you want.
![[Interview] The Shadow Self: How to Embrace it and Become Whole (feat. Anna Tsui)](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog2385498/Podcast_Artwork_Anna_Tsuia9r86_300x300.png)
Tuesday Jun 27, 2023
Tuesday Jun 27, 2023
The shadow self is composed of our fears, old trauma, and insecurities. Many of us fear facing our darkness; and our first instinct is to suppress it.
But our shadow craves to be seen and understood. Not coming to terms with it can harm our wellbeing and cause us to self-sabotage.
According to my guest Anna Tsui, there is magic to be found in the shadow self because it contains the secrets to accessing our unique genius and gifts. She’ll share more in this conversation.
Anna Tsui is a coach, international writer, speaker, and serial entrepreneur. She is the founder of The Intuitive Business School and her bestselling book, “Shadow Magic: Turn your Fear Into Fuel and Create a Prosperous Coaching Business” shows readers how to overcome their personal self-sabotage and build a thriving career and business. She has created a proprietary method that helps people directly align with their personal genius and create thriving signature businesses.
In this interview, Anna helps us better understand our shadow and how it operates. She also describes the inner saboteur, how it causes self-sabotage, and the steps we can take to replace it with a more empowering voice.